Because ”blogging” is ART.


The Merriam-Webster online dictionary(a personal favourite) describes art as ”something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings”. We tend to associate art with images of paint on a canvas,sculptures,music or stanza’s of poetry but often we tend to miss the point. What is the point? What constitutes art? Well the answer to that is quite simple: Art, simply put,is Expression.

Art is too multi-faceted,too flamboyant to be boxed into one dimension.So, in order to find an all encompassing definition for it,one might have to settle for expression. The truth is,we ALL possess the ability to be artists. In my juvenile years I refused to believe that an artist could exist within me because I was not poetic like most of my peers,neither was I endowed with beautiful vocal cords nor a hand which could create stories with a nylon brush. One may assume that my Ndebele genes have failed me, unlike my forefathers who were renowned for having their way with bead work, pots of bright paint and crafts which scream “BUY ME” to American tourists, I lacked the attributes which deem one fit to create such.

All I had was a teeming brain…

Of course, the first post need not be too long. It is now 2 am and my sleeping patterns refuse to allow me to be unconventional. Bear with me, I have never written anything for a large audience,apart from Facebook of course(Thanks Mark Zuckerberg). I promise to write blog posts of art. Every post will be expressive,from Jazz to God,from hope to Uganda and perhaps even to biochemistry(ignore the tongue in cheek). I will not be confined to a particular topic or field. All I need is internet connection and a coffee mug to present my views on a not-so-regular basis.

Yours in fullness of Art

Nondumiso Mabena


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